ワールドサッカーダイジェスト 唐突の感もある処分厳格化の真相3

No201 8.18

 これは公然の秘密だが、FIGC会長に再選されたばかりのフランコ・カラーロ(Franco Carraro)は、現在副会長を務めるジャンカルロ・アベーテ(Giancarlo Abete)と、次の任期満了時(2007年)に会長の座を禅譲する意向で紳士協定を結んでいる。ポストを譲った暁に、EUROの組織委員長に横滑りしようというのがカラーロの描く思惑だ。


Franco Carraro
Current President of the F.I.G.C.

Franco Carraro was born in Padova on 6/12/1939 and lives in Rome. He has a degree in Economics, is married with two children.
He managed the various family businesses in the sector of textiles and real estate. He then closed these activities.

He was President of Milan Calcio from 1967 to1971, after his father passed away.

He was President of the technical sector of the FIGC from 1972 to 1974. From1973 to1976 he was President of the National Professional League.

He was President of the FIGC from 1976 to 1978, and from 1986 to 1987 he was Extraordinary Commissioner of the FIGC.

He was President of the CONI from 1978 to 1987. Currently he is member of the Executive Council and of the National Council.

He was Vice President of Alitalia from 1981 to 1987.

He was member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Aeronautic Register from 1980 to 1987.

He was member of the Board of Directors of the Autonomous sector for Hotels and Tourism of the National Labor Bank from 1982 to 1987.

He was member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Sports Credit from 1983 to 1987.

He was Minister of the Italian Republic from July 1987 to February 1990 at the Tourism Ministry.

He was President of the Local Organizing Committee for the Football World Championships of 1990.

He was Mayor of Rome from December 18 1989 to April 20 1993.

Since 1982 he has been a member of the International Olympic Committee. He is President of the Program Commission; he was President of the Work Group of the CIO 2000 Commission; he has been member of the Executive Council since September 2000, since November of 2000 also of the Finance Commission and from January 2002 to March 2003 he was a member of the Reform Commission.

He was President of IMPREGILO from March 2 1994 to December 14 1999; ever since up to May 2002 he was Director of the Company.

He was President of the Venezia Nuova Consortium from May 26 1995 to February 25, 2000.

He was President of the Football Professinal National League from February 21 1997 to December 28, 2001.

He was President of the National Association of the Companies for the Protection of the Environment (ANIDA) from April 19, 1994 to December 14, 1999.

He was Vice President of the Mediocredito Centrale from December 22, 1999 to April 27, 2000 and has been President ever since.

He was President of Sofipa from January 28, 2000 to December 28, 2001.

He was President of Mediotrade from April 13, 2000 to May 2, 2001.

He was President of IPSE 2000 from November 28, 2000 to February 22, 2001; ever since up to April 2002 he has been Director.

He is President of the FIMIT- Italian Real Estate Funds SGR, since April 24, 2001.

He has been President of the FIGC since December 28, 2001.

He is Special Ambassador of UEFA (Union des Associations Europeenes de Football) for European issues.

He is President of the Internal FIFA Audit Commission (Federation Internazionale de Football Association), and member of the World Cup Organization Commission.

He has been director of Capitalia from July 4th, 2002.

Giancarlo Abete

The President of CLUB ITALIA is the vice-president of the FIGC Giancarlo Abete who represents the Federation during sports events both in Italy and abroad and with respect to the organs of information; he approves the national team programs; he handles institutional relations with other federations and with international organisms; he puts together the national team staffs together with the head of operations.

FIGC(Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio)

President Franco Carraro
Vice Presidents Giancarlo Abete (vicario)
Innocenzo Mazzini
Federal Secretary Francesco Ghirelli
Vice Secretary Antonio Di Sebastiano

Federal board
President F.I.G.C. Franco Carraro
Vice Presidents
F.I.G.C. Giancarlo Abete (vicario)
Innocenzo Mazzini
National Professionals'
league Adriano Galliani
Members Giuseppe Gazzoni Frascara
Antonio Giraudo
Vincenzo Matarrese
Serie C Professionals' League Mario Macalli
Members Gabriele Gravina
Vittorio Mormando
Maurizio Radici
National Amateurs' League Carlo Tavecchio
Members Mariano Delogu
Andrea Coppo
Piergiorgio Gozzer
Vito Giampietro
Salvatore Gagliano
Alberto Mambelli
Technical Sector Azeglio Vicini
Youth and Scholastic
Sector Luigi Agnolin
Series D League William Punghellini
Players' Association Sergio Campana
Milena Bertolini
Diego Bonavina
Ottorino Giugni
Leonardo Grosso
Gianfranco Serioli
Coaches' Association Renzo Ulivieri
Members Bruno Bolchi
Romano Galgani
Italian Referees
Association Tullio Lanese

Management Committee
President F.I.G.C. Franco Carraro
Vice Presidents
F.I.G.C. Giancarlo Abete (vicario)
Innocenzo Mazzini
L.N.P. Adriano Galliani
L.P.S.C. Mario Macalli
L.N.D. Carlo Tavecchio
A.I.C. Leonardo Grosso
A.I.A.C. Renzo Ulivieri

CONI(Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano)

Consiglio Nazionale
Membri di diritto

Giovanni Petrucci

Presidenti Federazioni Sportive Nazionali

Riccardo Agabio (FGI)

Sabatino Aracu (FIHP)

Franco Arese (FIDAL)

Paolo Barelli (FIN)

Angelo Binaghi (FIT)

Giancarlo Bolognini (FISG)

Michele Bonante (FICr)

Felice Buglione (FIDASC)

Luciano Buonfiglio (FICK)

Franco Carraro (FIGC) *

Maurizio Casasco (FMSI)

Franco Chimenti (FIG)

Gaetano Coppi (FISI)

Cesare Croce (FISE)

Luca Di Mauro (FIH)

Renato Di Rocco (FCI)

Emilio Di Toro (FITRi)

Giancarlo Dondi (FIR)

Franco Falcinelli (FPI)

Silvio Falcioni (FISN)

Lucio Felicita (FIPM)

Riccardo Fraccari (FIBS)
Sergio Gaibisso (FIV)

Vincenzo Iaconianni (FIM)

Giuseppe Leoni (AeCI)

Franco Lucchesi (ACI)

Carlo Magri (FIPAV)

Fausto Maifredi (FIP)

Alberto Miglietta (FIBa)

Ugo Claudio Matteoli (FIPSAS)

Renato Nicetto (FIC)

Ernfried Obrist (UITS)

Luca Pancalli (CIP)

Sun Jae Park (FITA)

Matteo Pellicone (FIJLKAM)

Francesco Purromuto (FIGH)

Romolo Rizzoli (FIB)

Luciano Rossi (FITAV)

Giorgio Scarso(FIS)

Mario Scarzella (FITARCO)

Franco Sciannimanico (FITeT)

Paolo Sesti (FMI)

Antonio Urso (FIPCF)

Membri CIO

Mario Pescante

Ottavio Cinquanta

Manuela Di Centa

Rappresentanti Organi Periferici CONI

Gianluigi Levorato (Comitato Regionale Veneto)

Terzo Censi (Comitato Regionale Marche)

Giovanni Ugatti (Comitato Regionale Campania)

Lelio Speranza (Comitato Provinciale Savona)

Renato Rizzoli (Comitato Provinciale Bologna)

Giovanni Bonanno (Comitato Provinciale Messina)

Rappresentanti Atleti

Lara Magoni (FISI)

Paola Fantato (CIP)

Domenico Fioravanti (FIN)

Andrea Benelli (FITAV)

Giovanna Trillini (FIS)

Stefano Baldini (FIDAL)

Orazio Arancio (FIR)

Marco Durante (FIG)

Massimo Costantini (FITET)
Rappresentanti Tecnici

Massimo Bernardoni (CIP)

Paolo Romano Barbera (FIV)

Daniela Isetti (FCI)

Alessandra Valeri (FIDS-DSA)

Rappresentanti Discipline Associate

Emilio Crosato, Gianarrigo Rona, Sandro Rossi

Rappresentanti Enti di Promozione Sportiva

Antonio Mauri, Ciro Turco, Ugo Salines, Fabio Piergiovanni,

Filippo Fossati

Rappresentante Associazioni Benemerite Sportive

Mauro Checcoli

Partecipanti senza diritto a voto

Segretario Generale


Componenti della Giunta Nazionale

Presidenti italiani di Federazioni Internazionali

Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti




